The Internet's first news brokerage

Newshare Contributing Member Rates & Data

If you are a free-lance journalist, writer, artist or photographer and you do not have your own set of subscribers, Newshare(sm) Contributing Membership is designed for you. It affords you World Wide Web exposure for your credentials and work and, later this year, the ability to receive royalties when web-users access your content.

Your Link..... Your Link..... Your Link.....

Here's how to become a Contributing Member:



See Custom Hypertext Services

Please provide your materials in this manner:

One-Time Fee also covers:

FREE Links from:



Until Token-Validation-Service is operational and click-fees" can be charged and credited the following commission structure will apply:

Your Link..... Your Link..... Your Link.....


Update Files: .html file updates up to 20K that: New Files (text or Image): new .html or .gif files up to 20K that: NOTE: If you are sending us a NEW FILE you should also send us an UPDATED FILE of your HomePage with a hyperlink to it. There is no charge for a HomePage file that is updated with a hyperlink to new page content located on our server.

eMail Example:

eMail Example: ftp Example: ftp Example: NOTE: You may also send us your updated and new files on a 3.5 diskette (PC or MAC format). Please include payment with files.

All fees are in U.S. Dollars. Please make checks payable to Newshare Corp.

This is just the beginning Newshare. Our goal is to take the first step . . . and then help others take it too . . . .

Join Newshare today . . . by going to our response form.

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NewshareWWW site is a service of Newshare Corp. a Massachusetts-based broker of digital information for newspapers, broadcasters and the public.

If you have comments or suggestions about Newshare Resource Center, please email them to

The Newshare name is a service mark of Newshare Corp.

Copyright, 1995, Newshare Corp. All rights reserved.

The Corporate Office of Newshare:

The Newshare Resource Center is sponsored in part by: Crocker Communications, a Northampton, Mass.-based supplier of Internet connectivity and telephone-answering services.