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(Saturday 10:30 am session)
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Keeping the Conversation Going—Susan Gleason & John Hamer

How to create info strategies at the local and global levels? Pamela has tools and experience!

Machael Bradbury—Open Science Foundation, created a lab, the JTM Experience to host. Link at www.Jtmpnw.org

The people here are much larger than the people who use the tools? Do we create something new or do we take advantage of what’s out there? Pretty much everyone in the circle (25 now) are on Facebook, some more than others.

An Statler, expert at Open Space technology, on which this conference is based. It’s an enormously robust foundation for bringing forth practical results. Offers to help. Very interested in online collaborative opportunity. Thinks Facebook and Linked in are incredibly arid. We can invent better tools for collaboration.

Charlie Hamilton: There are at least three tools that I’m aware of that could help.

Mike Fancher—that the whole be greater than the sum of the parts. Votes for in-person component, not too frequent, perhaps quarterly.

Amy Rainey supports in-person mixers. Seattle, maybe Portland and Vancouver could host. Linked In is useful to create a professional group, search for skills. Use the Forum section.

Aaron Hartwell—think of small d democracy.

Kim Lowe—producer with MSNBC.com Noticed a website for people who have a garden space with people who want space to garden. Need website to connect people who have skills to offer consulting, tutorials, specialized skills and knowledge to share.

Bart Preecs:--Linked In has a lot of the tools. Consider Facebook.

Cameron Hall, STAVE, architect and activist—I’m a node to other communities. Should we expand this conversation to those who aren’t here?

I’m a board member of a MN-based NPO called “the Updake” that live-streamed the Al Franken debates. Zanby is another platform we might consider, similar to Google Groups and Linked-in. You can cluster groups into group families.

Madeline Ostrander-- Senior editor at Yes! Listservs also work.

Enrique Cerna from KCTS—Interested to see what happens and participate.

Tom Bangasser, Vashon College—interested in democracy. I hear the technology part, but what’s missing? The journalists are the weavers. What’s missing are the librarians, who tell us where we’ve been. They are the most honest brokers of information. They make us more efficient. (They were invited.)

Sarajane Siegfriedt—combined journalism and MBA and non-profit background, committed to watching government, making sure we have in-depth beat coverage.

Bill Richards—Interested in how you use electronic tools, including collaborative efforts like this and where a group like this takes you in terms of how to tell stories better. (Bill is the primary author of the report on the Spokesman Review’s coverage of its own owners over 10 years of a controversial development issue.)

Dale Steinke—KING5.com and a hyperlocal blog Phinneywood. Wants to see where we have opportunities to nail it down. Yes to face-to-face. Otherwise it’s very dry.

Sally James--regional journalist about medicine and science

Mike: we can find a purpose, say what’s missing, find someone(s) to fill that gap. It make take a series of meetings to find that.

Ann: It’s really dangerous to put the tools first. Have profiles, exchange tools, expand membership (Linked-In has 53 million members). But what is the idea, the criteria for the tools?

Unless we decide that we’re going to have a convening circle that helps to emerge this, and a purpose, it won’t happen. It’s incredibly important. We can add members to the convening group. We need more diversity. What will you take responsibility for?

What do we want to happen—key words?

   * Further networking—Susan
   * Identifying technologies--Charlie
   * Intermediary to new emerging tech
   * Business model—Michael
   * Exploring collaboration online a/w/a FTF over time—Ann
   * More & better journalism—finding funding—Mike Fancher
   * Help with tools—Amy
   * Eastside group—Kim
   * Debate about policy questions—Bart
   * Networking and inquiry—Cameron
   * Help with IT—Leif Utne
   * Enrique—participation
   * Sharon T—Conversations around sustainable media
   * Thomas Bangasser—JTM come up with a model for balance of content for democracy, not just what we want, but what we need to read
   * Sarajane Siegfriedt—citizen activist regarding Olympia, commit to work on the business model
   * Bill Richards—the business model
   * John Hamer—provide a venue and refreshments, reach out to other groups, ideological diversity is important, bring in others from the right of center.
   * Dale Steinke—face-to-face meetings and business model

Tools we use: (N=23)

   * Facebook—23
   * Linked-In—22
   * Twitter—16
   * Email—all
   * Jtmpnwd site—23
   * Ning—13
   * Skype—16
   * Gotomeeting or webx—15
   * Googlegoups or Yahoogroups—23

Ann—Need to have a better tool for collaboration than these, one that allows people to create from a place of creativity, rather than ego.

Opensciencefoundation.com is a social network, group log using wordpress platform

Newhive is in beta

Zamby lets you create groups similar to Google groups, but you can have multiple listservs within it for different subtopics and different preferences for each, daily, weekly, all. Can use tagging to surface text and photos. Leif Utne has the expertise.

Basecamp is a great tool for tracking a project.

Charlie asks, what can we do today so that we are connected before we leave here? We can use this for deciding what the long-term technologies will be.

Sarajane—We will need to be able to look at shared docs, including Excel, in a shared space such as Google. Charlie says jtmpnw.org can do this.