My name is Andrew White. I am currently working on my MLIS at the Pratt
Institute in New York City, with an emphasis on the impending redefinition
of copyright in the new era of appropriation. I received a BA in
photography from the College of Santa Fe in Santa Fe, NM.
In the time between my two school careers, I lived in Seattle, WA, where I
bore witness to both the embrace and expansion of the public library
system, and the decline and fall of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, a
long-running and well-regarded daily newspaper.
In Seattle I served one year with the Washington Reading Corps, an
Americorps-funded program. Assigned to an "underperforming" local
elementary school, I worked to involve parents and the greater community
in approaching literacy issues from different perspectives, and also
worked one-on-one with struggling readers in the school.
Also in Seattle, I volunteered regularly with Left Bank Books' 'Books to
Prisoners' program, which solicits requests for books from incarcerated
individuals all over the country. Upon receiving a request letter from a
prisoner, a small number of books are selected according to their needs
and mailed, free of charge, directly to them.
I hope to combine these separate but overlapping areas of interest to
bring a new media sensibility to a non-profit or public institution, or
wherever resistance to Digital Rights Management can most effectively be
mounted to ensure open access to information in the future.