
From IVP Wiki
Revision as of 20:06, 8 February 2015 by Bill Densmore (talk | contribs)

This page will soon talk about "advisortising" a term coined by Bill Densmore in May 2011 to describe the future marketing beyond mass markets, when commercial messages must be personalized advice.

News organizations need to to come up with a completely different revenue model to support third-party product and service marketing, which as you know I'm trying to coin as "advisor-tising." No newspaper is ever going to make a business with $1M CPMs the way Google and Facebook can. They won't have the audience size.

So they are going to have to slice and dice their audience down to individual, differentiated users, deliver them a highly customized user experience and deliver them accurately to marketers with messages relevant to them.

Problem is, Google and Facebook know this, and have thousands of engineers working on achieving it. The **only** way the news industry remains a coherent industry is if it collaboratively works on this challenge, with or without tech partners.

That's why the Information Trust Exchange is at least necessary (although not necessarily sufficient) to the survival of the news industry.